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I manage the Retriever, Spaniel, and Herding segments for the Sporting Group, as well as contracts and sponsorships of organizations and events. I also work with trainers and breeders within my respective groups. 

What makes you uniquely qualified for the position? 

I was a Professional Retriever Trainer for 20 years prior to coming to Purina. I feel like my real-world experience and the relationships I have built over the years with other trainers provides me with a unique experience that not a lot of other people have. 

Why are you passionate about your segment? 

I love dogs and I love seeing what sporting dogs are capable of. They can be trained to compete at such a high level. They also connect us with new people that become lifelong friends that we would never have met without these amazing dogs. 

What difference do you think Pro Plan makes for dogs?  

I think it provides dogs with the complete and balanced nutrition they need to perform at a high level. The research and science that goes into each formula is second to none and provides dogs with exactly what they need to be athletes. Aside from nutrition, Pro Plan gives back. Whether you are a hunter or a professional trainer, Pro Plan supports organizations from Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever to The Hunting Retriever Club and the National Retriever Club. They give back to the things we love. 

Please list any awards or accomplishments you’ve earned that demonstrate your expertise in your segment: 

  • Helped train 50 Field Champion Retrievers 
  • Handled 13 National Finalists 
  • Helped train and Coach 40 National finalists 
  • Helped train 4 National Field Champions