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In her job as the Sporting Program Coordinator for the Purina Professional Engagement Team, Gail Inman meets owners, trainers and handlers of all kinds of sporting dogs. She coordinates the Purina Sporting Dog Award Program, which honors the top dogs in six sporting segments, and she has been instrumental in helping to develop Purina’s support of youth programs that encourage participation in dog sports.

“The best part of my job is working with the enthusiasts in the field and helping with the youth programs,” says Gail, who has worked at Purina since 2000. “I also love seeing these great canine athletes in action. Their performances in the field are truly  amazing.”

Longtime dog owners, Gail and her family have owned five Boxers over the past 28 years. Their current Boxer, “Hank,” shares their home with a Yorkshire Terrier named “Dolly.” The family plans to soon add a German Shorthaired Pointer for pheasant hunting. Our lives would not be complete without a dog,” Gail says. “We enjoy our dogs’ companionship and loyalty. It’s a bonus to work for Purina.”