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The Bird Dog team, which I am the manager of, sponsors and supports field trials and hunt/versatility tests for pointing dog breeds across North America. We have the great opportunity to meet and promote canine athletes, their owners, and handlers during numerous competitions and field events. 

What makes you uniquely qualified for the position? 

My marketing background helps me promote and encourage owners to fuel their dogs with what I think is the best dog food on the market. I have participated in field trials and testing for over 20 years, which lends credibility to my position, by “walking the walk!” 

Why are you passionate about your segment? 

The Bird Dog segment is dear to me because I am “one of the guys.” I truly understand what it takes to be successful at the highest level with our dogs – no matter what venue we run in. That passion keeps burning inside of me each and every day! 

What difference do you think Pro Plan makes for dogs? 

I honestly believe that the nutritional research, testing and high-quality ingredients that are behind every bag of Pro Plan, cannot be touched by any other competitive brand. The documented success we have in the field proves that. The number of champions, master hunters, versatile champions, etc. that are fueled by Pro Plan is proof to all that hard work! 

Please list any awards or accomplishments you’ve earned that demonstrate your expertise in your segment: 

The German Shorthaired Pointer that got me started in pointing dogs, is CH Neenah Creek’s Unanswered Prayer “Rookie”. He is a National Shoot to Retrieve Association (NSTRA) 1x Champion, Regional Champion and multiple High Point Dog of the Year. My English Setter FC CH Blair’s Witch Project “Guy”, has won three National Championships, one Regional Championship, and one National Runner Up Championship. I am currently campaigning two Pointers, one of which, Blair’s Calvary Mountain “Bob”, has won a national Futurity, as well as open and amateur dog of the year awards. The other young Pointer I have, Blair’s Holy Thunder “Doc”, won the national Puppy Classic in Grovespring, MO. Our family has high hopes for both of these Pointers.