For dogs with little to no experience on game birds, the Smiths offer a two-week Field Introduction class that builds desire to hunt and introduces dogs to elements of the field. Dogs can be as young as four months to participate, but mature dogs that lack experience are encouraged as well.
Next, the 90-day Basic Formal Training class teaches dogs the foundational skills every bird dog should know.
“We call these our Core Behaviors,” Ronnie says. “Bird dogs need to go with you, come to you and be still or stand still.”
When is a dog ready for formal training?
“We like it when dogs are mentally and physically mature enough for our Basic Formal Training class. That’s typically around 1 year of age for bird dogs. But it depends on the dog.”
At Right Start Kennel, Jim says most retrievers come in for basics training at about six months.
Jim recommends dogs have basic obedience and lots of socialization.
“Ideally, we want a retriever puppy to know its name, understand the word ‘no’, come when called and sit and heel on command. A lot of how long they stay here in training depends on what owners have done before I get them,” Jim says. “The majority of my field trial dogs are with me for 18 months and up to 2 years. Hunting dogs are typically in training for about three months. If you’ve done nothing with them, you’re going to pay for another month!”
Jim laughs and gives an example. “I was a high school teacher. The kids who were wild – kids whose parents allowed them to run wild – were a lot harder to teach. Same with dogs. I’ve had clients bring dogs over and say ‘Oh don’t let him loose – we’ll never catch him.’ That dog will probably need some extra time and attention in training.
“I’ve also had people say, ‘I didn’t do anything with the dog because I didn’t want to make a mistake.’ Well, that’s your first mistake.”
Ronnie says training is relationship-based and owners should be aware of how they impact a dog.
“Your dog is a reflection of what you allow and condone,” Ronnie says. “We don’t have a relationship with that dog when they come here for training. We establish it.”
One of Smith Kennels’ themes for 2024 is training owners not to teach with words. It’s part of a decades-old training philosophy perfected by the Smith family and known as “The Silent Command System.”
“Bird dogs live their world based on body language,” Ronnie says. “Most of the talking, the baby talk, is for us humans. They’re trying to teach the animal English. If you can teach a behavior without talking, then you’re actually training. When you can put your hands on a dog in a positive way and instill confidence, then you’re actually training. When you get the behavior you are training, then you can name it.”
Good trainers and top-notch facilities may be full and typically have a waiting list. Owners need to start looking for a training kennel when – if not before – the puppy is whelped.
“At Smith Kennels, we start accepting reservations about a year in advance,” Susanna says. “We think it’s a good idea to start thinking about where you want to send that dog for training when you get that dog as a puppy. That allows you to prepare and develop that puppy for training in a way that aligns with the trainer’s program.”
She adds that sometimes last-minute openings occur, so keep in touch with the prospective trainer.
Jim Van Engen is retiring this year but also emphasizes lining up training options well in advance.
“Ask questions including two big ones – how many dogs do they have in training and what kind of help do they have? At Right Start Kennel, we restricted it to 24 dogs. My brother Brian has been helping me for 25 years. I know how many dogs we can get done in a day. When the number of dogs goes up, the quality typically goes down.”
The Smiths agree and figure a maximum of 15 dogs per trainer.
“Between Ronnie and I we do not accept more than 30 dogs per class,” Susanna says. “We actually prefer 24 to 25 per class.”
After several months of training, it’s time to go get your dog.
“The hand-over is so important,” Ronnie says. “The trainer who just opens the gate and hands you your dog is not the trainer you’re looking for. We want owners to call us and check in to make sure we’re all on the same page. And we ask owners to spend time with us to go over the training and learn how to manage the dog. If you don’t spend time learning and working with your trainer, if you don’t learn the cadence, the timing, the commands – eventually all that training will erode.”