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Don’t miss ProPlan’s 20th and final webinar of 2024! Dr. Andrea Hesser discusses the essentials and more in “Must-Have Supplies for Your Breeding Kennel” at 1pm ET on December 4th. From the essentials every breeder should know to newer approaches in equipment and support and more, this webinar is valuable whether you’re a breeder with free-whelping breeds or one who is planning on elective C-sections.


About Andrea Hesser, DVM, DACT: 

Andrea Hesser, DVM, DACT, is a board-certified reproductive veterinarian who practices in small-animal medicine in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Her clinical time is spent doing general-practice veterinary medicine and reproductive consultations and surgery. Dr. Hesser also provides semen collection and health testing services at local dog shows. She is a longtime canine breeder and enthusiast with an interest in Whippets and Bullmastiffs. Her mission is to serve breeders by helping them achieve their goals with their breeding programs. 

Additional Resources for Dog Breeders

Pro Club is proud to offer valuable resources for professional dog breeders like you, such as webinars like this one and "Pregnant Dog Nutrition” with Dr. Andrea Hesser. Explore our resources to find the webinars, articles, and video series that you need to help support your professional breeding program.