A powerful, forward-running 6 ½-year-old male called “Cage” pointed three quail in an intense one-hour stake to win the Weimaraner Club of America (WCA) 2020 National Field Championship. A two-time National Field Champion, having also won in 2019, 2XNFC FC Saga’s Major Cage was handled by pro Diane Vater of Grand Marais, Michigan, and scouted by her husband, Chuck Cooper. The talented male polished off his performance in the callbacks with a stylish retrieve of a pheasant. “Cage finished steady and strong,” says Vater, the WCA 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient and winner of 13 WCA National Field Championships. “He is very good at his job. He was strong from the beginning, picking up points at 8 months old as a derby while still learning to be steady to wing and shot.” Bred and owned by Jeffrey and Mary Brown of Purcellville, Virginia, Cage was sired by NFC NAFC DC AFC Snake Breaks Saga V Reiteralm CD MH RDX SDX VX2 FROM HOF out of Waybac’s Skylar Saga. The Browns owned the sire, who won the WCA 1999 National Field Championship and the WCA 2002 National Amateur Field Championship handled by Mary Brown. Cage is fueled by Purina Pro Plan SPORT Performance 30/20 Chicken & Rice Formula dog food.